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- Systems 4: A Second AwakeningIn the Karmic Patron system, people can bind with spirits they have affinity for. The higher the affinity they have with their spirit, the stronger the abilities derived. In this way, people are chained to the fate of their contracted spirit, pursuing ever increasing affinity by fulfilling their spirits requests. This quest for perfect affinity is a Sisyphean …
- Systems 3: MetamorphosisHuman’s gaining the favor of a higher level spirit is an exceptionally rare occurrence in the world. When it does happen, the user will undergo a Metamorphosis, and a god-like being will emerge in the world. Through the extended lifespan granted through the transformation, these entities will persist in the world for many ages. Disaster-Type Metamorphosis: If a …
- Systems 2: Beasts and CreaturesMore than 95% of all spirits in the world belong to trivial spirits such as trees or blades of grass. However, beings gravitate towards Karmas similar to their own. Humans Spirit Users will mostly see the spirits of other similar beings. Likewise, monsters have spiritual affinities toward other “lower-level” spirits, and can create their own spiritual bonds. I. …
- Systems 1: Karmic Patron SystemAfter someone dies, their body will wither away. However, their spirit will return to the cycle of rebirth to await their next life. In this dormant state, spirits can wait hundreds or thousands of years in order to be reborn into a suitable life. Beings currently alive in the cycle can link with these loose spirits, inheriting their …